Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Soapbox for the week....

Well as many of my close friends know, I am very conservative and a true lover of America.  Every morning I start of the same way by getting online and facebook to check out whats going on in the world (like an electronic newspaper).  Everyday I get disgusted at what I see and what really is news.  I know that Fox News is a bit better than the other media outlets but that's not saying to much.  Today I was doing my morning routine when it really just struck a nerve.  I had read an article about an article NBC had done on Remington Arms Company.  As an avid shooter, I own many Remington firearms and have to say I love all of them.  My most prized rifle is my Model 700 and I believe it is the most accurate out of the box rifle you can get!!   Well NBC had claimed that Remington had "faulty triggers" on many of there firearms and refused to do anything about them.  NBC also put that this is why the government needs to regulate firearms and manufacturing more.  Well we all know that statistics can work from either side but I was amazed to find out their incidents occurred in the 80's and early 90's.  It was also interesting to find out that Remington also had a video of one of the questioned firearms and could not get it to misfire!!! Of course that was not mentioned or shown!!  All of this a week after NBC had to apologise for manipulating the George Zimmerman 911 call!!

As I slowly got "unpissed", I saw where Honor Air was flying World War II veterans to Washington D.C. for the day.  Of course again the media attention was minimal but I just noticed how Dick Clark's death has taken over every media outlet!!!  It also chaps my butt when you never hear of our troops who pay the ultimate sacrifice for this county to get only local media attention.  We rarely hear of heroic people here at home or the good news (some homeowner smoking some crook who tried to enter his home)!!!

In closing here are some of my thoughts: 

First, guns are no more to blame for crime than the pencil for spelling errors.  Violent people have existed since the beginning of time and always will.  They chose tools that makes their job easy.  For most of the "sheep" who live life unarmed, you are easy prey.  You have no way to protect yourself against their evil.  All it takes is one armed America to stop most any "tragedy" that you have heard about in years past.  Just think if one teacher in Columbine had a gun and took down the threats, or one student on the Virginia Tech campus that could have smoked that wacko.  I think its funny that more violence occurs in "gun free" zones than in places where guns are everywhere (i.e. gun ranges, gun stores, etc.).  If you are one of the ignorant people who want guns ban, then I say you take on the evil in the world with just your bare hands, and when they run you over with their car, make sure you get cars banned next!!

Second, I am over the media making the facts fit their agenda!!  I wanna see the good news I talked about and more about our true heroes!!  This whole thing over George Zimmerman is media fueled, and I ask why was the Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom not a media outcry!!! Those two were tortured!! If you do something to make me hate you, it don't matter what color your skin is.  It is sad that this country has come to all this. We are all humans and we say we are equal but the media does not allow that to happen. 

Finally, I give mad props to Ted Nugent who was going to drop his schedule to play at a fallen Navy SEALs funeral.  Until he was told by a high military official not to come, because of an incident they are investigating.  The link is here

Obama is the most anti-American I have every seen and I will leave it at that!!!

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